Healthcare is going to be my top priority when I get to congress. I know people who are paying more for insurance than they are for their housing and people who have had to file for bankruptcy after enormous medical costs. It’s just not right. We finally have protections for those with pre-existing conditions, but costs are still too high. I’ll FIGHT to protect coverage for pre-existing conditions, reduce prescription drug costs, and protect Medicare from cuts.
I grew up hunting and fishing as a boy and I am a gun owner and a supporter of the Second Amendment. I believe we should have sensible gun laws and they should be enforced. There are common sense regulations that we must have to combat this epidemic of mass shootings—including universal background checks. We need to prevent those who have been convicted of domestic violence from owning guns.
I am the first in my family to graduate from college and law school. Public and state education created the opportunity for me to succeed in the work force. I will oppose all versions of state funding for vouchers and for-profit charter schools that deplete state school funding. With college debt so high, I also want students to enter the work force with a step up, not anchored by student loan debt.
Reproductive Choice
I believe decisions about a woman’s health are between her and her doctor. Period.
Campaign Finance
A fundamental principle of our democracy is that every person gets one vote. That’s no longer true today as corporations and special interest groups spend billions to get their candidates elected. The Citizens United ruling opened the floodgates and allowed the wealthiest individuals and corporations to influence our elections, drowning out the voices of everyday Americans. I support an amendment to overturn the Citizens United decision and measures to require more disclosure and transparency for outside groups.
We need a fair immigration policy that is enforced humanely. I support increasing border security through utilizing technology. We need to create a path to legal status for immigrants who have paid taxes and who haven’t been convicted of any crimes. I support DACA and believe children brought here through no fault of their own and who are contributing to our economy and society should be allowed to stay.